Agility Course Test (ACT1)

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Exciting News for New People and Dogs in Agility

We are adding ACT runs on Saturday mornings, which are a great opportunity for newcomers. Participants can achieve titles through these events.

ACT Schedule

  • ACT I: March 8th
  • ACT II: April 12th

The cost is $40 for each ACT, providing you with four runs. This means it's only $10 per run. The judging is more laid-back compared to regular courses, offering an excellent chance to experience a trial environment without all the pressure.

Your dog must not have an agility title to participate in ACT runs.

Contact Information

If you have questions, please comment or send a PM. Being new for our club means there may be some uncertainty, but assistance is available from knowledgeable contacts.

ACT poster with dog jumping over an agility hurdle in a grassy field.

Team Erika and Chewy
