The member application below is for your viewing. At the bottom of the page are word document and pdf attachments that you can use to print out the application.
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Canine Agility Club of Fresno
P.O. Box 562, Clovis, CA 93613-0562
Complete this form (front and back pages) and submit, with appropriate membership fee, to the Treasurer. Annual dues for new applicants: Individual $20; Family $30. Memberships accepted after June 30 pay pro-rated fees. All applicants must have completed the following requirements prior to submitting their application to the club Secretary. Documentation includes witness initials obtained from a club member at the same event. Incomplete applications will be returned. Each applicant must have:
- Attended two club meetings or
- Volunteered at two club event or
- Attended one club meeting and volunteered at one club event and
- Be sponsored by two club members in good standing.
Note: Information about scheduled club meetings and events (e.g. practices, Fun Runs, Seminars, Trials, fund raising activities etc.) may be obtained from the club Webpages, Face book and/or club members.
Applicant’s Name: Address:
Home Phone: City:
Cell Phone: E-mail Address:
Okay to print cell number and email address on roster? Yes No
Dog’s Name___________ Breed Age Rabies Expiration Date
Dog’s Name___________ Breed Age Rabies Expiration Date
If the dog belongs to another person, place an * next to the dogs’ name. The owner must sign on the back.
*** Club Use Only: Dues Paid $ Date Paid ***
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Indicate below how you have met the membership requirements:
List Club meeting (s) with dates that you have attended Witness initials:
List Club event (s) with dates where you have volunteered: Witness initials:
It is expected that club members would be willing to support club activities including a wide range of functions for which you may have an interest and/or special talent. Engaging in these activities can lead to new opportunities and new friends. From the following list indicate which activities you would like to learn more about, assist in doing or provide expertise? Please circle your interest (s).
Equipment: set up, build courses, repair, transport | Trial Chairperson, trial committee |
Communications: WebPages, Face book, artwork, editing, media | Hospitality: Trial, Fun Runs, special events |
Special Event Coordinator: Fun Runs, Practices, Seminars | Membership development: Welcome, Club Library, programs, awards |
I agree to the following conditions: Canine Agility Club of Fresno and its membership will assume no liability for any injury to me or my dog during training practices, exhibitions, demonstrations, competitions, or any other club related activities. In signing this membership agreement, I hereby release Canine Agility Club of Fresno and its membership from any and all claims and liabilities of every nature which might arise from my or my dog’s participation in the club or from any other cause. As a member of Canine Agility Club of Fresno, I agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club and will do my part in helping at Club sponsored activities.
Applicant’s Signature
Owner’s Signature (if other than Applicant)
Owner’s Printed Name
Sponsors’ Signatures: #1 #2