Major Update to the Club Website

1 February 2025

Update Notification

A major update to the club website ( is now available. Any comments, good or bad, are appreciated. A review of the content would be useful as some of the information was retrieved from the mailing list and Facebook page. Some of the pages were also run through an artificial intelligence system to reformat the content to make it more readable by different devices and users with disabilities.

Content Editing

Behind the scenes, adding content is now easier. Anyone interested in becoming a content editor can reach out to discuss the details. For additions or changes to the website, please contact me, and the updates will be made accordingly.

Pending Tasks

  • The new logo needs to be converted to a vector graphic file, which should be completed in the next few days.
  • Menus/links to sections like the Join and Club History page need to be easily accessible.
  • Evaluate whether some forms should be made available to fill out online (Join?).
  • Assess how the website can be made more useful to the club.
  • Other tasks?

Use the "Contact" link at the top of the page to send your comments.
